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Refuge for Women Cook Out | September 23

2017.09 Refuge for Women Cook Out Header.jpg

Time: 6:00pm to 8:00pm
Location: Email Associate Pastor Josh Yen for location

Refuge for Women is a non-profit ministry which provides a place of escape for sexually exploited women. Our church began discussions of how we could partner with them this past Spring and hosted an event raising awareness about human trafficking and sexual exploitation that is happening right here in Denton County.

We are hosting a Cook Out to spend some time building relationships with this ministry and the women it serves. For these women, simply being a part of Christian community and regular rhythms of life is immensely helpful. 

Redeemer will be providing the main dish (brats, hotdogs, buns) and we are asking you to provide the sides. Please sign up by clicking the link below. We hope you and your family can join us for some brats and hotdogs at our Cook Out.

Email Associate Pastor Josh Yen for details.