When Jesus redeems us he unites us to himself, but also to his church. We are saved to a people. We are to commit to one another. Together we are to strive for holiness and foster each other’s faith. We are better together.



Sunday, March 30, 2025

Please register on event page so we can get a head count and make any childcare preparations.

Membership Process

1. Fill out the Membership Application*
2. Attend our Better Together Class**
3. Meet with one of our Pastors
4. Affirm our Membership Covenant

Please email Pastor Micah Caswell with further questions.


* The Membership Application takes about 10 minutes to fill out. Once you fill it out, we will follow up with you with details about next steps and confirm your RSVP for the Better Together Class. 

** The Better Together Class is offered twice a year—once in the Spring and once in the Fall. This class is to inform you about Redeemer Church and what it looks like to be a member here.

Some topics discussed include:

  • doctrine

  • membership covenant

  • vision

  • values

  • mission

  • key ministry philosophies

  • future member meetings

  • future steps of the church