Covenant Members of Redeemer Church agree with the Redeemer Statement of Faith. The statement is a modification of the Baptist Faith and Message which is utilized by the Southern Baptist Convention.  We believe our modifications better suit the needs of a local church over the needs of a denomination.  When Redeemer Church establishes a Council of Elders we will establish a Teaching Statement which will guide the official teaching of Redeemer Church.




The Bible uses the term “Word” to refer to Jesus, the Gospel, and the Bible as a whole. Jesus, his Gospel of grace, and the entire message of the Bible all establish the foundation of this church.  Jesus is the object of our spirituality and affections. He is where we turn for eternal salvation as well as day-in-day-out answers to life’s problems. His gospel is how we get to heaven when we pass from this earth, but it is also how we find present healing. The Bible is infallible and inerrant and authoritative. We recognize its superior wisdom therefore make it our habit to primarily teach verse-by-verse through its life giving books.


God has not designed humanity to walk alone, but to work out our spiritual lives with others. The Word calls us to live in Community. We are committed to the hard work of developing genuine relationships. Friendship can be messy and complicated, but we strive to love each other through the awkwardness and difficulties. Many churches are known for their beautiful building, or unique philosophies, or powerful programs. We simply want to be known for our love for each other. Loving one another is the most powerful proof of Jesus’ gospel, therefore we strive to live in Community.


Loving one another is not the endgame of our Community. We design our small groups with Mission in mind. It has been said that people grow closer together in a foxhole during a battle than having surface conversation over chips and dip. We are committed to an incarnational approach that goes and serves our city as opposed to simply attracting them to events. Even our Neighborhood Groups regularly serve our city through Socials and Service Projects. Mission is the goal of our Word and Community efforts.



The Caswell’s moved to Denton in the Summer of 2013. By September a small group of 18 adults and 11 children began meeting in their home exploring the life and ministry of Jesus. We grew and began meeting in the Fellowship Hall of Antioch Church in January of 2014. There we explored God's desire for his church in a series of messages titled “Growing into the Church.” These messages culminated in 29 adults covenanting together in membership on Sunday, April 13th, 2014.

Redeemer Church launched weekly Sunday morning worship services with over 100 people on Sunday, September 7th, 2014 at McNair Elementary School.  During the Fall of 2014 we also launched our first Neighborhood Groups. These groups were spread out in various Denton neighborhoods by serving, socializing, and studying together. Sunday, January 4th, 2015 we began meeting at Driven Elite Athletics (2686 Old Alton Rd.) across from Guyer High School. We launched our For Denton Co. outreach ministry in 2017.

In early 2018, our Elders and Staff began praying about a long-term facility to call our own. In 2019, a space opened up that had potential to be the answer to those prayers. Through the Lord’s gracious providence, we moved into our current facility in Pinnell Square on Christmas Eve of 2020. We now average around 285 people in attendance on Sunday mornings and offer two worship services. We also offer 11 different Community Groups. Redeemer Church has 171 Covenant Members.