Redeemer Student Ministry seeks to worship God and grow in our knowledge and understanding of who He is.


What’s Coming Up?

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RSM is working our way through emotions in scripture on Sunday Mornings! We are looking at the emotions of people in scripture to see three things. First, to see what emotions they experienced. Second, to see what they did with their emotions. Finally, to see how our emotions impact our ability to share the Gospel.



On Wednesday nights, RSM is working through a study called “The Gospel in the Book of Acts!” Our focus and intent on Wednesday nights is to use the book of Acts to make the Gospel the central focus in everything we do in Redeemer Student Ministry.



Our vision is to raise up the younger generation of disciples to worship God and grow in their knowledge and understanding of who He is. We do this, first, through our commitment to teach students the gospel of Jesus Christ, and secondly through calling on our students to share it with those in their lives. RSM’s focus, as a student ministry, is to make the gospel central in all that we do, and our vision ends with our students worshiping God in everything they say and do.


How We worship

At RSM, we understand that everything we do can, and should, be done in worship to the Lord, as we are called to in Colossians 3:23. Here are the main ways we worship at Redeemer Student Ministry:

  1. Word — We teach and read the Scriptures to know who God is and understand Him more.

  2. Community — We gather in small groups for discipleship and mutual encouragement after studying the Scriptures together.

  3. Prayer — We take the time to pray for one another each week, for example, in small groups.

  4. Song — We sing praises to the Lord on Sundays in the 9:30 Service before RSM. On Wednesdays, our RSM Worship Team leads us in a time of worshiping through song before we open the word.

  5. Mission — We send out our Students to take the gospel to their homes, schools, communities, and the world.

Knowing and Understanding God

Redeemer Students seek to know God and understand who He is better every day. In Romans 10:9-13, Paul calls all of mankind to repentance. He writes, “ If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. One believes with the heart, resulting in righteousness, and one confesses with the mouth, resulting in salvation. For the Scripture says, Everyone who believes on him will not be put to shame, since there is no distinction between Jew and Greek, because the same Lord of all richly blesses all who call on him. For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” (CSB). Knowing God is the beginning of understanding who He is.

Christians know that we will never understand God fully; however, we are told by James, “Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you,” in James 4:8 (CSB). Each day, when we draw near to God, and He draws near to us, we begin to understand Him better and better, increasing in our relationship with Him. As our relationship grows with God, we are molded into better tools for the Lord to use to spread His word. Knowing and understanding who God is, shows us who we are. This leads the students in Redeemer Student Ministry to better understand what Redeemer Church of Denton means when we say we are a church of “Broken People Loving Broken People.“ 

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